2020.05-2022.07 中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区 讲师
2022.08-至今 中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区 副教授
1. 主持或作为技术负责人参与的项目:
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 《段内多簇压裂孔眼封堵控制机理研究》,国家级,主持,50万,2024-2027
[2] 国家青年自然科学基金《缝内动态封堵规律与裂缝转向机理研究》,国家级,主持,30万,2022-2024
[3] 中石油科技创新基金《动态封孔下多簇裂缝竞争扩展规律研究》,省部级,主持,17万,2020-2022
[4] 自治区青年基金《页岩油密切割限流压裂优化研究》,省部级,主持,7万,2022-2025
[5] 克拉玛依市科技计划项目《整体压裂裂缝扩展及生产干扰规律研究》,主持,8万,2023-2024年
[6] 校级启动项目《基于缝内暂堵的重复压裂侧向缝网形成机理研究》,校级,主持,20万,2021-2023
[7] 《玛湖砾岩储层水平井段内多簇暂堵压裂工艺优化研究》,副项目长,124万,2021-2022
[8] 《新疆老井转向蓄能重复压裂技术研究与现场试验》,副项目长,97万,2021-2022
[9] 《玛湖砾岩油藏水平井段内暂堵效果评估分析》,副项目长,47万,2021-2022
[10] 《HW62031井分段多簇压裂管外光纤监测解释结果分析与利用》,副项目长,24万,2020-2021
[11] 达13井区深层砾岩油藏三维地质力学建模及压裂方案优化研究,副项目长,51.5万,2022-2023
[12] 基于岩石力学实验的一区石炭系水平井整体压裂技术技术服务,副项目长,76万,2022-2024
[13] 2022-2023年达13井区储层改造方案优化研究,58.15万,2023
2. 一作学术论文
[1] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Yang Chen, Wang Daobing, Yang Kai, Liang Tianbo*. Experimental study on injection pressure response and fracture geometry during temporary plugging and diverting fracturing[J]. SPE Journal, 2020, 25(02): 573-586.
[2] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Zou Yushi, Liang Tianbo. Wang Daobing, Xue Yanpeng, Gao Liyang. Quantitative investigation of fracture interaction by evaluating fracture curvature during temporarily plugging staged fracturing[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 172: 559-571.
[3] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Yang Chen, Xu Chao, Liu Jianfu, Han Shaobao, Wang Daobing, Ren Zongxiao, Liang Tianbo*. A novel experimental method to investigate the plugging characteristics of diversion agents within hydro-fracture[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 183: 106354.
[4] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Zou Yushi, Liang Tianbo, Wang Daobing, Hu Jia, Gao Liyang. Effects of previously created fracture on the initiation and growth of subsequent fracture during TPMSF[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 200: 312-326.
[5] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Wang Daobing, Liang Tianbo, Yuan Lishan, Hu Jia. Numerical simulation on near-wellbore temporary plugging and diverting during refracturing using XFEM-Based CZM[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 55: 368-381.
[6] Wang Bo*, Zhou Fujian*, Zhou Hang, Ge Hui, Li Lizhe. Characteristics of the fracture geometry and the injection pressure response during near-wellbore diverting fracturing[J]. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 491-501.
[7] Wang Bo, Zhou Fujian*, Liang Tianbo, Wang Daobing. Gao Liyan, Hu Jia. Evaluations of fracture injection pressure and fracture mouth width during separate-layer fracturing with temporary plugging[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018.
[8] Wang Bo, Zhang Guchang, Xu Hualei, et al. Insights into the activation characteristics of natural fracture during in-fracture temporary plugging and diverting fracturing[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 162.
[9] Wang Bo, Fang, Y.; Li, L.; Liu, Z. Automatic Optimization of Multi-Well Multi-Stage Fracturing Treatments Combining Geomechanical Simulation, Reservoir Simulation and Intelligent Algorithm. Processes 2023, 11, 1759. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11061759
[10] Wang Bo, Zhang Guchang, Sun Zhenglong, et al. Plugging Characteristics of Self-degradable Diverters within three-dimensional Hydro-fractures: An Experimental Investigation[J]. Physics of Fluids, (录用待刊)
[11] Lu Yutian, Wang Bo(共同一作), Zhao Yingying*, Yang Xiaochen, Li Lizhe, Dong Mingzhi, Lv Qin, Zhou Fujian, Gu Ning, Shang Li. Physics-informed surrogate modeling for hydro-fracture geometry prediction based on deep learning[J]. Energy, 2022, 253: 124139.
[12] 王博;李丽哲;董小卫;刘帅;周福建,基于光纤监测的段内多簇压裂效果主控因素研究,石油科学通报,录用待刊
[13] 王博,葛徽,张谷畅,周福建.强冲蚀不规则孔眼封堵规律实验研究,西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),录用待刊
[14] 王博,刘雄飞*, 胡佳, 刘进军, 周福建, 周航. 缝内暂堵转向压裂数值模拟方法[J].石油科学通报,2021,6(02):262-271
[15]王博, 周福建*, 邹雨时, 高李阳, 胡佳, 古小龙. 水平井暂堵分段缝间干扰数值模拟方法[J].断块油气田,2018,25(04):506-509.
3. 通讯学术论文
[1] Li Minghui, Lv Wenjing, Liu Jinjun, Sun Zhenglong, Zhou Fujian, Wang Bo*. Effect of perforation friction on 3D In-stage multiple fracture propagation: A numerical study[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 267: 108415.
[2] Wang Mingxing, Wang Jia, Cheng Fushan, Chen Xiaolu, Yang Xuda, Lv Wenjing, Wang Bo*. Diverter plugging pattern at the fracture mouth during temporary plugging and diverting fracturing: An experimental study[J]. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 3549-3558.
[3] Shi Shanzhi, Cheng Fushan, Wang Mingxing, Wang Jian, Lv Wenjing, Wang Bo*. Hydrofracture plugging mechanisms and evaluation methods during temporary plugging and diverting fracturing[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2022.
[4] Li Minghui, Zhou Fujian*, Sun Zhonghua, Dong Enjia, Zhuang Xiaoying, Yuan Lishan, Wang Bo*. Experimental study on plugging performance and diverted fracture geometry during different temporary plugging and diverting fracturing in Jimusar shale[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 215: 110580.
[5] Fan,Q.;Ma,Y.;Wang,J.;Chen,L.;Ye,Z.;Xu,Y.;Li,H.;Wang,B*.Investigation into the Perforation Optimization in Conglomerate Reservoir Based on a Field Test. Processes 2023,11,2446. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11082446
[6] Li Minghui, Zhou Fujian*, Liu Jinjun, Yuan Lishan, Huang Guopeng, Wang Bo*. Quantitative investigation of multi-fracture morphology during TPDF through true tri-axial fracturing experiments and CT scanning[J]. Petroleum Science, 2022.
[7] Yuan Lishan, Zhou Fujian*, Li Minghui, Yang Xuda, Cheng Jiaqi, Wang Bo*. Experimental Study on Diverter Transport Through Perforations in Multicluster Fracturing of Horizontal Well[J]. SPE Journal, 2022, 27(02): 971-985.
[8] Li MingHui, Zhou Fujian*, Wang Bo*, Hu Xiaodong*, Wang Daobing, Zhuang Xiaoying, Han Shaobo, Huang Guopeng. Numerical simulation on the multiple planar fracture propagation with perforation plugging in horizontal wells[J]. Petroleum Science, 2022.
[9] 吕雯静, 孙正龙, 刘博文, 周航, 周福建, 王博*.吉木萨尔油页岩限流压裂孔眼摩阻优化方法[J].西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),2022,37(03):49-57.
[10] 吴宝成, 周福建, 王明星, 周培尧, 吕雯静, 王博*. 绳结式暂堵剂运移及封堵规律实验研究[J]. 钻采工艺, 2022, 45(4):6.
[11] 许江文, 张谷畅, 李建民, 王涛, 程家麒, 王博*. 暂堵剂形状对裂缝封堵影响规律的实验研究[J]. 断块油气田, 2022, 29(6):6.
[12] 李丽哲,周福建*,王博*.水平井多级压裂高维参数智能优化方法研究[J].石油科学通报,2023,8(03):347-359.
[13] 滕卫卫;王博*;张谷畅;吴宝成;李建民;葛洪魁;段内多簇暂堵压裂堵球直径优化研究,钻采工艺,录用待刊
[14] 项远铠,张谷畅,承宁,程垒明,王博*,深层砂砾岩整体压裂矿场试验研究,断块油气田,录用待刊
[15] 多岩性储层裂缝封堵差异化实验研究,断块油气田,录用待刊
[16] 吕振虎, 吕蓓, 罗垚, 吴虎, 李丽哲, 王博*。基于光纤监测的段内多簇暂堵压裂矿场试验研究,石油钻探技术,录用待刊
[1] 第三届青年教师教学比赛院一等奖,第三届青年教师教学比赛校区二等奖,第十四届中国石油大学(北京)青教赛三等奖
[2] 致密油高效压裂与增能一体化技术及应用,2021年度石油与自动化科技进步一等奖。(省部级一等奖)6/15
[3] 2021年度中国石油科学十佳论文(全国共10篇)
[4] 2022年全国高校矿业石油与安全工程领域优秀青年科技人才提名
[1] 王博,周福建,刘雄飞,尚笠,李丽哲等,水力裂缝内暂堵体信息的一体化确定方法、装置、设备,发明专利,授权. (ZL 202010862263.9)
[2] 王博, 周福建, 刘雄飞, 尚笠, 李丽哲, & 李奔等. 压裂高维参数的自动搜索方法,装置和设备. 实审
[3] 赵兵, 李楠, 杨玉琴, 周福健, 王博, & 袁立山等. 一种确定缝内暂堵转向所需封堵强度的方法,授权. CN107313773A.
[4] 薛艳鹏, 周福建, 姚二冬, 曲鸿雁, 杨凯, 左洁, 秦小仑, 王博. 三孔岩心釜、超低渗储层液体伤害评价实验装置及方法. 发明专利,授权. (CN201610003898.7)
[5] 王博,周福建,杨晨,袁立山,王悦,胡佳. 缝内暂堵转向形成多缝压裂设计软件V1.0,授权 (2016SR314592)(软著)
[6] 王博,周福建,杨晨,袁立山,王悦,胡佳. 纤维-颗粒-粉末组合、配比及用量优化设计软件V1.0,授权 (2016SR314505)(软著)
[7] 王博,周福建,杨晨,袁立山,王悦,胡佳. 暂堵缝口纵向分层压裂设计软件V1.0, 授权 (2016SR320611)(软著)
E-mail:wb_cup@163.com; wangbo@cupk.edu.cn