

张永星,男,19825月生,江西省鄱阳县人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2005年本科毕业于中南大学,2014年获澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学化学工程博士学位。现为中国石油大学(北京)油气储运系教师,主要研究方向为化学链燃烧系统评价及优化、油气集输节能及废物资源化利用等。近年来主持或参加澳大利亚煤炭协会、国家自然基金等项目5项,在国内外期刊和会议发表论文10多篇,SCI收录7篇,其中中科院一区Top期刊2篇,二区Top期刊4篇。获得2016年国际埃尼奖(Eni Award)提名。

办公电话:0990-6633310                        E-mailyongxing.zhang@cup.edu.cn


[1] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi*. Thermodynamic assessment of a novel concept for integrated gasification chemical looping combustion of solid fuels. Energy & Fuels. 2012, 26(1): 287-295. (SCI/EI, JCR二区,IF=2.835Top期刊).

[2] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi*. Chemical looping combustion of ultra low concentration of methane with Fe2O3/Al2O3 and CuO/SiO2. Applied Energy. 2014, 113(2014): 1916-1923. (SCI/EI, JCR一区,IF=5.746Top期刊).

[3] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi*. Utilization of ventilation air methane as an oxidizing agent in chemical looping combustion. Energy Conversion and Management. 2014, 85(2014): 839-847. (SCI/EI, JCR一区,IF=4.801Top期刊).

[4] Y. Zhang*, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi. Reduction kinetics of Fe2O3/Al2O3 by ultralow concentration methane under conditions pertinent to chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels. 2015, 29(1): 337-345. (SCI/EI, JCR二区,IF=2.835Top期刊).

[5] Y. Zhang*, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi. Comprehensive study of Fe2O3/Al2O3 reduction with ultralow concentration methane under conditions pertinent to chemical looping combustion. Energy & Fuels. 2015, 29(3): 1951-1960. (SCI/EI, JCR二区,IF=2.835Top期刊).

[6] Y. Zhang*, E. Doroodchi, B. Moghtaderi et.al. Hydrogen Production from Ventilation Air Methane in a Dual-Loop Chemical Looping Process. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30(5): 4372-4380. (SCI/EI, JCR二区,IF=2.835Top期刊).

[7] J. Wen, J. Zhang*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang. Correlations between emulsification behaviors of crude oil-water systems and crude oil compositions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2016, 146(2016): 1-9. (SCI/EI, IF=1.65).

[8] Y. Zhang, B. Moghtaderi and K. Shah. Investigation on a Novel Integrated Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion for Solid Fuels. Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium, 2011, Newcastle, Australia.

[9] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi. The Application of Chemical Looping Principles in Mitigating Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) Emissions. 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 2012, Darmstadt, Germany.

[10] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi. A Novel Ancillary Utilization of Ventilation Air Methane as the Substitute of Air in Chemical Looping Combustion. 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2013, Guilin, China.

[11] Y. Zhang, E. Doroodchi, and B. Moghtaderi. A Chemical Looping Based Method for Coal Combustion with CO2 Capture and Abatement of Ventilation Air Methane Inherently. 10th Australian Coal Science Conference, 2013, Brisbane, Australia.